From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #7 - From Worrier to Warrior (And Everything In Between)

Does the word 'Healer' sound a little woo-woo to you?

Maybe, if you're like our Guest, Mel Chatigny, you've thought one of the following:
"This is f*cking bullshit... there's no way that hippie stuffs works."
"Healer? No. That word doesn't connect with me and my identity at all."
Meet Mel Chatigny — personal trainer, CrossFit coach, Olympic weight lifter, and all-around BADASS.
Mel is a graduate of our November Subconscious Imprinting (S.I.T.) class and in this episode, she talks about how she went from a broke trainer working 45 to 50 hours a week who was skeptical of the 'hippie voodoo woohoo' to opening up not only herself but also her clients to receive more in life through S.I.T.
Learn how this badass grew from WORRIER to WARRIOR and:
  • Healed chronic hip pain affecting her workouts through ONE S.I.T. session
  • Overcame her judgments about money and healing (and hippies! 😉)
  • Changed her mindset from 'the harder I worked, the happier I would be' to 'it doesn't have to be that hard to be happy'
  • Stopped associating her worth as a human through 'winning' and ended up performing even BETTER as an athlete and as a trainer
  • Went from having 'dark motivation' founded on anxiety and fear of failure to 'light motivation' built on love and acceptance
  • Bridged the connection between mind, body, and spirit to achieve balance
  • Started seeing the potential of people in a different way which allows her to help her clients achieve not just abs or 13% body fat but also their true goal — happiness
  • Started receiving more joy, expansion, money, experience, relationships, and connection in life
Mel BROKE societies expectations of what a Healer 'should' be or looks like.
Healing isn't something limited to doctors, nurses, psychologists, massage therapists, or acupuncturists. Becoming 'better' as an athlete or trainer isn't only limited to physical growth - but emotional and spiritual growth as well.
If you're a physical trainer, coach, or athlete who wants to go the extra mile and overcome the hidden barriers in the subconscious that's stopping you from reaching your goals then this podcast is for you. And if you're truly aiming for the next level...
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