The SITuation

The SITuation hosts Empowered Healers Academy newsletters, blog posts, resources & content that helps spiritual leaders grow through story & life experiences.

How to Get (or become) EXACTLY what you WANT (Read this before your NY resolutions kick your butt)

In 2021, I benevolently set the intention of, “It gets to be easy” as my guiding anchor for the year.

And then? I got my ASS KICKED with some of the hardest shit I've ever been through. 

I’ll dive DEEP into my personal experience, but first... 

Remember this as you strut boldly into a new year with new intentions, new guiding words, essences or phrases…

We don’t (always) get what we want.
We get what we need so we can have what we want.

And by setting a new intention, you’re calling in new problems to solve.

Now, that may sound oddly cynical coming from a leader of an Empowerment company, but it IS empowering and exciting, I swear!! (Even if it woops your ass).

As humans, we’re literally designed and created to solve problems.
(And we get rewarded with dopamine when we do!)

A lot of people experience depression because they’re just friggin’ BORED.

They’re not actively solving problems that...

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