The SITuation

The SITuation hosts Empowered Healers Academy newsletters, blog posts, resources & content that helps spiritual leaders grow through story & life experiences.

A Weird Reason You Should Let People Down (How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty)

Do you ever sell yourself out because of fear of losing love?

It's ok. You can say it.

I mean, I know I sure have.

Don't even get me STARTED on all the ways I have sold myself out, overextended and let MYSELF down, out of fear of letting others down. 

I mean, if there was Red Seal of People Pleasers, I would have the certification stamped n' signed. 

And honestly? It took me by surprise to even consider I was a people pleaser. 

"Me? No. Nuh-uh. HELL no. I am WAY too edgy & outspoken for that shit. I have a neck tattoo, for goodness sakes. People pleasers do NOT have neck tattoos...". 

"The lie detector determined... THAT was a lie" - Maury, my man, truer words have never been spoken. 

Anyways, as a professional (now retired) people pleaser who was terrified of letting people down, I have learned a thing or two I wanna share with you. 

As always, I gotta story to share. 

THIS is the SITuation on people pleasing, and a weird reason why you...

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