Discrete Healing for Entrepreneurs, Spiritually Curious, and Families.
Because who can you trust to see & hold all of you
when you're the one everyone else looks to?
you've created a reputation, an image, and a way of being perceived in public.
...and you also have stories, trauma, a home life, and various things that may be holding you back.
From the outside, I bet you're crushing it! Living the dream.
If you're like most of my clients...you have the business, the status, the house, the dog, the family, and the PR's.
But behind closed doors, many of them also have:
- chronic pain
- constant pressure
- anger eruptions
- relationship turmoil
- resentment towards their business
- trust issues
- disregulated households
- the list goes on...
If, like my clients, you're the one who's constantly supporting, holding space for, and leading others...
It's important to find a practitioner who can hold ALL of you - where you don't have to perform, filter or mask.
Hey, I'm V.
My clients see me as a Vault.
I'm a Doctor of Acupuncture, Reiki Master & Co-creator of Subconscious Imprinting...
Don't let my petite frame fool you.
When it comes to holding space for people with big energy, big visions and big histories...
I can hold A LOT.
And there's not a shred in me that's intimidated
by what you've built, created, or are known for.
I vow to be the safe space you can finally let go, rest your head, bare your heart, and heal.

There are 3 people I work with
1. Spiritually Curious
2. Entrepreneurs & Executives
3. Children

The Growth Mindset & Interest in the Spirituality
You love everything energy and are craving a deeper connection to yourself and to Spirit(uality). You've likely said the phrase, "Life is good..but I just feel like there's more I'm wanting, as if something is missing". You're down to explore past, present, future, and parallel lifetimes but unsure of how to clear it all and how it relates to your present life. You may put everyone else first but have a tricky time finally saying yes to you and moving towards your own goals in life. You've even possibly had religious trauma and you're looking to reconnect spiritually to what's available beyond the rules, the judgement, and past pains.
This is meWhere the Entrepreneur can hit Flow
You have your vision, your systems, your offers, and maybe even a team. Yet something isn't clicking... You remember that time when it was all in flow; when you loved your business. What happened? You're busy, you're stressed, relied on by everyone else, and have little time every week to look into the energetics of your business operations. I see you, and I see you wanting more. More speed, more connections, more synchronicities, and more magic. You love the spiritual side, and you're needing the guidance. It isn't easy having to hold it all in and watch over your shoulder of who may know what about you or may judge you and your process. You can bare your heart, your soul, and finally let go without worry.
This is me

Where Parents have Privacy & discretion.
It isn't easy raising a human. Period. So if you can't sleep because your child isn't sleeping, it's time to sort through that. This is for the parents who have kids that aren't responding to typical treatment and need to seek something deeper energetically. Sleep is disrupted, emotional outburts are frequent, or they are beginning to retreat and become shy, reclusive, and angry. Children are our future and we must protect them, support them, and lift them up as much as possible. The Virtual Clearing is one of the most effective sessions for children, and they don't even have to speak directly to V; the work is all done remotely.
This is meWe can work together
in 1 of 3 ways.
1. the 1:1 virtual retainer
2. 1:1 in person
3. The Archives Membership
“In one 90 minute SIT Session with V…
This chronic fatigue was GONE.
After I had been struggling with chronic fatigue for over three to four years, I had gone to doctors, specialists, practitioners, body workers, naturopaths, you name it. You can imagine now that I had my life back, I wanted to share this with others.”
-Tracy, Stay at home Mama turned Healer
“I would have emptied my bank account for this
I feel like an entirely different person writing this email back… because I don’t know how to explain it other than a freaking miracle happened.
If someone would’ve told me this would be my life now, I would’ve emptied my bank account to make it happen."
-Talana, Digital Artist
"Today for the first time in several years, I'm sitting here pain-free.
One of THE BEST CHOICES I've made yet. I visited Dr. VanOhm for chronic back pain and after an incredible session I left knowing more about me and the creation of that pain.
She has this interesting way of phrasing questions to you which bring you to thoughts and experiences that may have contributed to your ailment, during the session. And with that information she dives in deeper (as far as you're willing to go) until she gets you to the root of your ailment.
She is truly a life-changing Acupuncturist who brings about change! Be prepared for the unexpected."
- M.F, Business Consultant
V’s Virtual Clearing is 10,000% worth the price...
I’ve worked with V for over 6 months in her monthly retainer. My business (50 staff and thousands of clients) has a high volume of people that bring in various levels of energy.
I have received more support than I expected and I have never had a practitioner make themselves as available as her. I had many physical issues that cleared up after sessions (horrible neck pain that subsided) and I saw a MASSIVE shift in my business partner who’s heaviness was GONE after 1 session (she was slightly combative and controlling to the staff) and her communication skills turned softer (literally, the next day I heard her laugh for the first time in months)."
-TB, Health & Wellness Facility
Hey again, I'm V.
My current jam: Co-Creator of Subconscious Imprinting Technique, Lead Facilitator, Acupuncturist & Metaphysical Healer
I'm Dr. Vincent VanOhm, a highly specialized and unique acupuncturist challenging the boundaries of complementary medicine.
My unwavering desire to know “why is this happening” had led me to exploring everything after all medical doctors left my wife O’tion without answers to the sudden onset of debilitating migraines. When I discovered a connection between memories, emotions, and the body, I guided O'tion through a 30 minute conversation that interrupted her final migraine, which never returned.
I was blown away at the efficacy and simplicity of the process, and I began applying the work to professional athletes, entrepreneurs, parents, children, and anyone experiencing chronic symptoms (in their mind OR body). Together with my wife O’tion, we systemized this into our own technique, Subconscious Imprinting Technique, to help others SITwithit and resolve the anchors of emotional roots directly responsible for chronic pain.
In 2019, clients began driving over 500km one way for my unique Subconscious Imprinting Acupuncture sessions, which led to a 3 month wait list. Colleagues kept asking me for a course on how they could yield the same results. SITwithit.co was born and with O'tion, we have since trained practitioners internationally for in person and virtual SIT sessions.
Over 10 years in practice, I've found that clients are craving to understand why they are the way they are. Why memories keep filtering back in. Why choices and patterns never seem to stop. Spirit has dropped the mission into my heart to help people realize the power of their body and their emotional wellbeing to unlock tension patterns, and to feel empowered to live life without relying on "something" other than themself.
I am forever grateful to Spirit for the guidance in helping others experience liberation within their bodies and their minds.
While I whole heartedly LOVED living on the Sunshine Coast, it feels good to have relocated back to my hometown of Sherwood Park, AB.
If you're a healer, practitioner, coach or therapist...
Become highly skilled & sought after alongside me and join our 6 Month SIT Certification & Mentorship Program.
This is for you if:

something that deviates from what is
standard, normal or expected.

The results I’ve gotten with my clients are fu**ing mind-blowing.
"I have had such incredible results with SIT personally, for both chronic back pain from ankylosing spondlytis and emotional traumas from my childhood. Not to mention the anxiety I've had my whole life is gone.
Incorporating SIT into my practice and the results I’ve gotten with my clients are fu**ing mind-blowing.
If you have an opportunity to take anything from these two, do it. Please do it."
- Taylore Acupuncturist & Clinic Owner
from Stettler, CANADA

Subconscious Imprinting was the missing piece I was searching for, both for myself as well as my career.
"The deep level of personal healing and growth I received during my time throughout this course is mind-blowing. Not to mention my clients have had great results as soon as just one session.
Words cannot even fully describe how amazing this training is. Everything is so relatable, easy to understand, and it's the first course where I've actually been EXCITED to learn the new materials."
- Chelsea Oryniak, RMT & Clinic Owner
from Edmonton, CANADA

“I had my acupuncture practice for a while… But I wasn’t feeling super connected to it. I felt like there was something “more” I was looking for.
I signed up not really knowing what to expect but just knew that I had to and that it would change my life. And it has. Not only has it brought my acupuncture practice to a whole new level, it has also brought tremendous awareness to my own life. Honestly, this academy is life-changing…”
-Kim Lyle, Registered Acupuncturist
from St. Alberta, CANADA

"I walked into Empowered Healers Academy as a newly divorced, stay-at-home mom trying to find my way...
and walked out an educated healer with enough confidence in my abilities to practice this healing modality that I immediately began attracting the right clients for me and building my business!"
- Leah Tabitha, SIT Practitioner
Calgary, CANADA