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On this page, you'll find our story as a duo, as well as our solo bio intro's, subjects we love speaking on and headshots!
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meet the visionaries
& Creators of SIT
Since 2019, O'tion & V have helped humans all over the globe resolve physical, emotional & spiritual pain from the inside, out.
It all started with a personal mission to heal O'tion's migraines in 2015 after being let down by all other medical options.
After stumbling upon a podcast about the science behind repressed emotions & memories, they resolved her migraines by bringing resolution to a seemingly insignificant memory from when O'tion was 12.
Their curiosity piqued…” If this can heal migraines, what else can we resolve?!"
They went on to resolve V's longstanding IBS, daily headaches and acne...
As well as O'tion's Migraines, Sciatica Pain, Eczema and PF Syndrome.
(...and between the two of them, a LOT of repressed anger & other emotional baggage)...
As an acupuncturist, V was stoked.
She started experimenting with this information in her acupuncture sessions and was blown away by how quickly and significantly people were healing - especially in areas where acupuncture wasn't sustaining the results.
It didn't take long before people caught wind of the results she was getting with clients, and her practice took off like wildfire.
V became one of the most in-demand practitioners in Alberta, some clients driving up to 500 km ONE WAY to receive a session.
Eventually, V's schedule became so booked, she had to start turning clients away.
In an attempt to slow her client load down, she even started charging $300/session (thinking it would turn people off)...
The opposite happened.
On the brink of V hitting burnout, mixed with O'tions love for marketing, branding, course creation & this emotional healing work...
O'tion suggested, "What if we teach practitioners to do what you're doing?"
The Dynamic Duo got to work & distilled what is now known as Subconscious Imprinting Technique, into a step-by-step system for practitioners to plug into their sessions so they, too, could initiate deep, life-altering change for their clients.
Healers are, after all, the ones who could help amplify their reach by accessing more humans.
- o·cean
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- v·ee
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