The SITuation

The SITuation hosts Empowered Healers Academy newsletters, blog posts, resources & content that helps spiritual leaders grow through story & life experiences.

How to get the ULTIMATE REVENGE on someone (unpopular opinion)

A few months back, I went through an emotionally painful experience that provoked a'lotta rage & the desire for REVENGE.

Revenge energy is something I was familiar with as a hasty teen - but not now!!

Not as a “conscious LEADER”.

I was 100% caught in the riptide of RIGHTEOUSNESS.

My brain was orchestrating some serious ideas and taking me on a RIDE of all sorts of ways I could “make this person pay”.

It was not fun. It felt compulsive. I was not my best self.

V said to me, calmly, and without judgement:

“If you went through with doing this, as a way to get revenge, think about _________ and what she would think if she found out you did this?” (she name dropped one of our students).

In that moment, almost as if she waved a magic wand, the desire for revenge immediately dissipated.

The rampant thoughts of (admittedly ingenious) revenge ideas completely vanished.

The spin stopped, and all desire for 'making this...

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How to Get (or become) EXACTLY what you WANT (Read this before your NY resolutions kick your butt)

In 2021, I benevolently set the intention of, “It gets to be easy” as my guiding anchor for the year.

And then? I got my ASS KICKED with some of the hardest shit I've ever been through. 

I’ll dive DEEP into my personal experience, but first... 

Remember this as you strut boldly into a new year with new intentions, new guiding words, essences or phrases…

We don’t (always) get what we want.
We get what we need so we can have what we want.

And by setting a new intention, you’re calling in new problems to solve.

Now, that may sound oddly cynical coming from a leader of an Empowerment company, but it IS empowering and exciting, I swear!! (Even if it woops your ass).

As humans, we’re literally designed and created to solve problems.
(And we get rewarded with dopamine when we do!)

A lot of people experience depression because they’re just friggin’ BORED.

They’re not actively solving problems that...

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Finding Purpose in your Pain (how to access Post Traumatic Growth)

So, last week, some devastating shit went down on our property.

But the emergency arborist (who simultaneously rescued while almost killing our cat), reminded me of a confidence-boosting, bank account growing, LIFE CHANGING lesson…

I’ll spare you the long story and get right into the meat n’ deets because I think you’re gonna love this.

(Especially if you’re TERRIFIED of failing or of people finding out about your deepest shames/wounds).

So, ironically, the same weekend he had to come to rescue our cat (who was stranded & bunking with an owl for 16 hours - true story), we were scheduled to go to our arborist and his wives house for dinner (#smalltownvibes)

Literally, the moment we rolled into his house, still unbuttoning our jackets, he says, “Well, I learned a LOT from my first cat rescue”...

He was stoked.

He went on to explain, in-depth, all the different strategies he would implement next time he has to rescue a cat from a massive...

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A Weird Reason You Should Let People Down (How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty)

Do you ever sell yourself out because of fear of losing love?

It's ok. You can say it.

I mean, I know I sure have.

Don't even get me STARTED on all the ways I have sold myself out, overextended and let MYSELF down, out of fear of letting others down. 

I mean, if there was Red Seal of People Pleasers, I would have the certification stamped n' signed. 

And honestly? It took me by surprise to even consider I was a people pleaser. 

"Me? No. Nuh-uh. HELL no. I am WAY too edgy & outspoken for that shit. I have a neck tattoo, for goodness sakes. People pleasers do NOT have neck tattoos...". 

"The lie detector determined... THAT was a lie" - Maury, my man, truer words have never been spoken. 

Anyways, as a professional (now retired) people pleaser who was terrified of letting people down, I have learned a thing or two I wanna share with you. 

As always, I gotta story to share. 

THIS is the SITuation on people pleasing, and a weird reason why you...

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From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #30 - From Scarcity to Generosity (accidentally featuring Kim Hiebert)

We’ve got a lil’ solo session with Kelsey today, where she dives into the story about how her camera got stolen by a crackhead. Crazy, right? But what else is new with this crazy renegade? 

Kelsey dives into how this specific moment in her life (that happened 10 years ago) has affected her current relationships with people--making her keep them at arm’s length and even doubting whether they want HER or just want SOMETHING from her.  

And, ironically, a certain someone phoned Kelsey right when she was about to dive into the meat of this episode...This special unexpected guest is actually someone who was affected by the trauma Kelsey’s been carrying. Talk about impeccable timing!? 

Do you think that was a coincidence or was the universe trying to communicate something? 

Either way, this episode is surely something worth listening to. From betrayals and overgiving to trust and genuine generosity in relationships; get to know...

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From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #28 - Healing Beyond the S#&% Storm

Kelsey and Vincent chat with Ashley Valliere (creator of ReKnowing) about relationships, healing deep emotional wounds, working out, and grocery lists. Peppered with belly laughs, useful metaphors for your healing journey, and other insights, this episode will inspire you to keep moving through the s#&% storm.

So. The s#&% storm. What is it? 

It can feel like full body vibrations, shaking, big emotions, and uncomfortable sensations. It's over analyzing, feeling small, and unworthy.  

Do you give yourself s#&% when you’re in the s#&% storm? Are your expectations about healing, your “coulda, shoulda, wouldas” in your way? 

How are you part of your own problem? (Yup. Accountability can suck, but sitting it can help you discover how you are participating in your suffering or trauma continuing?) 

Pain tempts us to numb out, ignore, or shut down, BUT you gotta feel it to heal it. 

It takes serious effort, diligence,...

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From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #26 - Summer Solstice Fireside Chats (Vulnerable Shares)

Real talk about transformation is exactly what this episode is all about.

Enjoy the crackle of the fire alongside Kelsey Eigler and Vincent VanOhm as they dive into how 2021 is going so far.

They discuss social media detoxing, and how removing FB and IG from their phones has created more presence, creativity, joy and happiness.

They speak candidly (and admittedly ambiguously) about having Cancer in the business.

They reflect on how problems are resistance bands for the soul, and some of the personal demons they’ve had to overcome…

You’ll feel like you’re sitting around the fire with 2 pals, and likely be provoked to have some beautiful reflections of your own.

Questions to consider:

  • What was your intention for 2021 and how’s that going?
  • What is your intention/what are you calling in for the second half of 2021?

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From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #25 - Raising a Rebellious Teen with Mama Kae Eigler (From the Mum of a Renegade)

This episode is a special one, featuring the Mum and Mama in-law of your favourite Renegades.

V cracks Mama Kae Eigler (AKA: Mama K or Mama Bear) wide open in this heart wrenching and inspiring conversation about a single mothers perspective raising a rebellious (at times, out of control) teen. 

Mama K shares all the deets from watching her child’s first moment learning gratitude and appreciation, to watching Kelsey be arrested for the first time, resulting in expulsion from every Edmonton Public School, to Kelsey's drug-induced hospitalization, allllll the way to becoming an inspirational leader. 

Mama K speaks of how she, herself, was a renegade parent, raising her kids against popular norms by allowing them to have their own journey without judgement and control.

By seeking alternative channels and spiritual based practices, she found safety in knowing that even the expulsion from school, the drug dealing, and the drug overdose wouldn’t stop her...

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From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #24 - The New Paradigm of Activism with Anna Tsui


Genius coach, international writer, speaker, activist, serial entrepreneur, and founder of The Intuitive Business School, Anna Tsui sits down with Kelsey to discuss grace, anger, social justice, racialized violence against the Asian community, and honouring traditional healing modalities.

Kelsey and Anna’s discussion flows with deep wisdom and moves through heart centred intentions, unexpected connections, willingness to express love, the new paradigm of activism, fear, inner censorship, people pleasing paralysis, and stepping into our power and being ourselves.  

It’s a deep dive and a badass conversation.  

Anna also offers some insight on this powerful question (a question that our healing community might want to lean into and get more curious about): 

How do we, as healers, actually and tangibly, honour the traditional roots of our healing modalities and medicines so that we can carry it forward? 

Things are complex and tense out...

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From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #23 - Following the Energy with Dr. Carson

Dr. Carson, energy focused, chiropractor extraordinaire, is changing Kelsey and Vanessa’s lives. 

In this episode they follow the energy of Dr. Carson’s career trajectory and how he savagely followed his inner renegade and his heart into alignment - and how he helps others get into alignment too. 

Dr. Carson was a student of philosophy, hypnosis, and tai chi - and when he was introduced to chiropractics by a friend, it changed his life overnight. When he began his studies, chiropractics wasn’t yet widely accepted, but his awareness guided him to the path anyway, and his career evolved, alongside chiropractics and energy focused healing modalities.

When we are not in alignment our bodies will tell us. We can get stuck in loops of stress, self protection, and not quite able to let it go-ness... and so then we develop things like spinal tension patterns as an indicator of how we’re processing information in our nervous system. 

Dr. Carson...

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